What People Are Thinking....
Ummmm, think it's a woman.
Lucky guy that his friends weren't so bad sticking the spoon 5 inches up.
You could say hes blowing smoke out his ass.
No Tiny Bear, Don't smoke crack!!!
White shorts, white shirt, and hiking sandals? No wonder he has a teddy bear. He needs SOMEthing to sleep with at night.
Dude.. WTF?!?!?!? LMFAO. xD I guess the auluminum foil is in case of an alien attack. And the yellow flipper is in case it rains. x]] And you can't 4get the flyswatter.. So flys won't go in his mouth.. Or her?? And sandals are always cool.. NOT. Ew.
I guess that toy must be snorting some crack
That's a Dude. An emasculated dude, but a dude nonetheless.
pedo bear is here
Ummmm, think it's a woman.