What People Are Thinking....
What that penis in the neck has to do with Zorro XD?
I'm Batman!
Ah ha ha excellent ! Hey Don Diego de la Vega ! Como va ? xD
Its ZORO Fackers!!!
Zorro the Gay Blade!
No... It's French Batman, Le Batmon!
Batman is that you? It's the car right? Chicks love the car (and the new moustache!)
wow, and a penis on his throat. queers think of everything.
Hope they hid his sword.
dark knight sleeping mode activate!
They never told you: the Green Lantern likes to get hammered at gay bars.
This man isn't drunk... he's high on magic marker!
The Black Menace strikes again!
dude in a black mask, smile 4 da camera and for the people who will see this on the internet thanks to retards left and right!!!!!!!
Vagina boob.
it's zoro you fucktards! can't you see the moustache, batman doesn't have one does he? jesus...
What that penis in the neck has to do with Zorro XD?