What People Are Thinking....
and all the awards for drinking the most beers go to...that guy on the couch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now thats a winner!
and the winner is...
Its gonna beonehell of a racket when he wakes up
Beer trophy! :D
hes gonna wake up and be like WTF id love to see that! :D
Oh my god. As an expert in drinkingmorethanyouactuallycouldhandle-ology... This is beautiful, a work of art which speaks to the very soul on man... which is called Beer.
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Oh wow, there is a guy in there.
Wow, you'd have to drink an ocean of shitty american "LITE" beer to get this drunk. (PS: It's spelled LIGHT, retards) Great picture, though!
and all the awards for drinking the most beers go to...that guy on the couch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!