What People Are Thinking....
If YOUR cum looks like THAT, you'd better see a DOCTOR!
Boom, in the mouth.
ok that iz cum
is that Chad???
Anyone got a hankerin' for a CinnaBun?
i dunno....looks fairly swimmy to me to be glue XD
thats lovely
Hahaha come on hes like 40
looks like his mouth is wired together o__o
no, its defo elmer's glue peeps, way to fail
what the shit
that fucking nasty
what is that? o.o
That looks "tots dee-lish!!"
If it is jizz the guy who did it must have a good imagination other than thinking that a guy is sucking his dick
I spoke to the guy in the pic.... He said it was ice cream.
Is that Chad?
I really don't get all the freakin' penis shit. Get a life. you are obsessed!
eww man.. that looks Nestea XD
If YOUR cum looks like THAT, you'd better see a DOCTOR!