What People Are Thinking....
now that is clever. harmless, shamelss, just funny. good show!
Human cheese bite serving platter
holy fuck
i hope no one eats corn on the cobb and needs one of those......
That's what he gets for having a white 'fro.
Human cheese bite serving platter
OK, now just don't light a match
This is what happens when you leave out the hair conditioner.
The more violent way if telling someone "You need a haircut."
im just gonna turn my head sidways... OMFG IM BLEEDING
Oh my...poor boy...
Hm... i wonder what happens if he turns in sleep O.o
who needs enemys with friends like this
Fell asleep drunk. Woke up a prick.
jesus christ
Sonic's cousing, curly hedgehog
now that is clever. harmless, shamelss, just funny. good show!