What People Are Thinking....
1-900- HOT LINE :X
Heloooo! this is chantelles escort service, we are looking for a Mr...YOU!
Johnny? Yeah this is y mamma. What the **** have you done to ma hair?
Hello?is this pizza castle
y so srs???
Why So Serious?
This is Boneefa Shanefo Jackson and my weave is falling out!
Shh...it's Sleeping Douchebag,
Is that a tampon on the side of his eye? What the hell...?
zomg! my eyeshadow does not match my lipstick!
Thats hot!
can you hear me now?
its shanaynay
Time for another recipe for a prank guys!! all you need is... 1.a sleeping friend! 2.MAKE-UP!!make sure you have permission to borrow it from whoever they belong... 3.a hair-net! 4.the victims cellphone! 5.anything you want to add!! Now,put the make-up on your friend's face and then place the cellphone on his ears!and then call your friend's cellphone and then...BOOM!you're friends wide awake!if your friend doesn't have a cellphone...get an air horn instead!
lol tampon!
Thx >=( Now are my sister creepy
1-900- HOT LINE :X